This site provides a dataset of Candombe recordings with annotated beats and downbeats, totaling over 2 hours of audio. It comprises 35 complete performances by renowned players, in groups of three to five drums. Recording sessions were conducted in studio, in the context of musicological research over the past two decades. A total of 26 tambor players took part, belonging to different generations and representing all the important traditional Candombe styles. The audio files are stereo with a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz and 16-bit precision. The location of beats and downbeats was annotated by an expert, adding to more than 4700 downbeats.
This dataset was used to assess the performance of the rhythmic pattern tracking system proposed in "Beat and Downbeat Tracking Based on Rhythmic Patterns Applied to the Uruguayan Candombe Drumming" (ISMIR 2015). If you find the dataset useful and want to reference it in your publications, please see Reference for the complete citation.