To add some delayed vibrato to our chorusing instrument we use another oscillator for the vibrato and a line segment generator, linseg, as a means of controlling the delay. linseg is a k-rate or a-rate signal generator which traces a series of straight line segments between any number of specified points. The Csound manual describes it as:

kr linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]
ar linseg ia, idur1, ib[, idur2, ic[...]]

Since we intend to use this to slowly scale the amount of signal coming from our vibrato oscillator, we'll choose the k-rate version. The i-rate variables: ia, ib, ic, etc., are the values for the points. The i-rate variables: idur1, idur2, idur3, etc., set the duration, in seconds, between segments.

instr 5 ; toot5.orc
irel = .01 ; set vibrato release time
idel1 = p3 * p10 ; calculate initial delay (% of dur)
isus = p3 - (idel1 + irel) ; calculate remaining duration
iamp = ampdb(p4) ; p4=amp
iscale = iamp * .333
inote = cpspch(p5) ; p5=freq
k3 linseg 0, idel1, p9, isus, p9, irel, 0 ; p6=attack time
k2 oscil k3, p8, 1 ; p7=release time
k1 linen iscale, p6, p3, p7 ; p8=vib rate
a3 oscil k1, inote*.995+k2, 1 ; p9=vib depth
a2 oscil k1, inote*1.005+k2, 1 ; p10=vib delay (0-1)
a1 oscil k1, inote+k2, 1
out a1+a2+a3

f 1 0 4096 10 1
;ins strt dur amp frq atk rel vibrt vibdpth vibdel
i5 0 3 86 10.00 .1 .7 7 6 .4
i5 4 3 86 10.02 1 .2 6 6 .4
i5 8 4 86 10.04 2 1 5 6 .4

Toot 5: Vibrato