Keith Hamel's Csound Course
- Week 2
- Introduction to Csound
- Programs used in creating music with Csound
- Using Csound
- Week 3
- Arithmetic Operators
- GEN routines
- line, linseg, expon, expseg
- oscil
- Formating and Documenting Your Code
- Week 4
- Pitch Conversion Routines
- Creating composite envelopes with linseg and expseg
- Additive Synthesis
- Using oscil as a control to produce vibrato and tremolo
Week 5
- Program Control Statements
- Table
- GEN 2
- Phasor
- Oscil1
Week 6
- Review of Frequency Modulation
- Foscil - F.M. Oscilator
- Applying controls to foscil
- Reverberation
- Creating a Global Reverb Instrument
Week 7
- CSound random generators - rand, randh and randi
- Using rand to Produce White Noise
- Using randh and randi to Produce Bands of Noise
- Some Uses of Noise
- Other Uses of Random Generators
- Soundin
Week 8
- Using Pluck to Simulate Plucked Strings or Drums
- Alternate Envelope Generators - Linen and Envlpx
Week 9
- Low Pass and High Pass Filters: tone and atone
- Band-Pass and Band-Reject (Notch) Filters: reson and areson
- Vocal Synthesis Using Subtractive Synthesis
- Creating Vocal Sounds Using FOF Synthesis
Week 10
- GEN-01
- Creating a GEN-01 function table
- Designing an Instrument to Read Gen-01
- Delay
- upsamp. downsamp and interp
Week 11
- Instrument Design in CSound
- Steps in Designing a CSound Instrument
- Associating parameters to the pitch
- Reasigning p3
- Designing an instrument step-by-step
Week 12
- Granular Synthesis
- Creating grains with sampled sounds
Week 13
- Other Uses of Global Variables
- Increasing the Fidelity of your Sound Files
- Score Sections
- Advance statements