This chapter describes the implementation of reverbs based on nested allpass filters. Reverberant sound occurs when sound waves are reflected by surfaces repeatedly until the individual reflections merge into a continuous sound. Nested allpass filters proposed by Barry Vercoe and Miller Puckette (1985) can be used to simulate the dense reflections associated with room reverberation. This chapter describes several different types of allpass filters and uses them to implement three different reverbs. The reverbs presented in this section are derived from those developed by Bill Gardner (1992).
The Allpass Filter
Adding both a feedback path and a feedforward path to a delay line as shown in figure 24.1 makes an allpass filter.
Figure 24.1 Block diagram of a simple allpass filter.
Gain is applied to the feedback path and negative gain is applied to the feedforward path. An allpass filter passes all frequencies unaltered but changes the phase of each frequency. This can be implemented in Csound as follows:
adel1 init 0 aout = adel1-igain*ain ; FEEDFORWARD adel1 delay ain+igain*aout, itime ; FEEDBACK
The Single Nested Allpass Filter
A single nested allpass filter is implemented by surrounding one allpass filter by a second as shown in figure 24.2.
Figure 24.2 Block diagram of a single nested allpass filter.
A simplified representation of the allpass filter presented in figure 24.2 is shown in figure 24.3. The outer delay time t1 in figure 24.3 is equal to the sum of the delay1 and delay2 times of figure 24.2.
Figure 24.3 Block diagram of a simplified single nested allpass filter.
This can be implemented in Csound as follows:
asum = adel2-igain2*adel1 ; Feedforward aout = asum-igain1*ain ; Feedforward adel1 delay ain+igain1*aout, itime ; Feedback adel2 delay adel1+igain2*asum, itime2 ; Feedback
The Double Nested Allpass Filter
A double nested allpass filter is implemented by surrounding two allpass filters in series by a third allpass filter as shown in figure 24.4.
Figure 24.4 Block diagram of double nested allpass filter.
The simplified version of this is presented in figure 24.5. In this case t1 in figure 24.5 is the sum of delay1, delay2 and delay3 of figure 24.4.
Figure 24.5 Simplified block diagram of a double nested allpass filter.
The double nested allpass filter can be implemented in Csound as follows:
asum1 = adel2-igain2*adel1 ; 1st In FF asum2 = adel3-igain3*asum1 ; 2nd In FF aout = asum2-igain1*ain ; Outer FF adel1 delay ain+igain1*aout, itime1 ; Outer FB adel2 delay adel1+igain2*asum1, itime2 ; 1st In FB adel3 delay asum1+igain3*asum2, itime3 ; 2nd In FB
Small Room Reverberator
The nested allpass filters are now combined to form reverbs. The first reverb presented is for a small room. It consists of a double nested allpass filter followed by a single nested allpass filter. The input is pre-filtered at 6 kHz to reduce metallic ringing. An overall feedback path is bandpass filtered and added to the input. The feedback filter also reduces the metallic character of the reverb and reduces DC offset. Another simplified notation is presented in figure 24.6. Delays are indicated by putting the delay time above the signal path and all times in these figures are expressed in milliseconds.
Figure 24.6 Block diagram of small room reverberator.
The small room reverb shown in figure 24.6 can be implemented in Csound as follows:
instr 2402 ; small room reverb idur = p3 iamp = p4 iinch = p5 aout41 init 0 adel01 init 0 adel11 init 0 adel21 init 0 adel22 init 0 adel23 init 0 adel41 init 0 adel42 init 0 kdclick linseg 0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0 ; Initialize asig0 zar iinch aflt01 butterlp asig0, 6000 ; Pre-Filter aflt02 butterbp .5*aout41, 1600, 800 ; Feedback Filter asum01 = aflt01+.5*aflt02 ; Initial Mix ; Delay 1 adel11 delay asum01, .024 ; Double Nested Allpass asum21 = adel22-.25*adel21 ; First Inner Feedforward asum22 = adel23-.30*asum21 ; Second Inner Feedforward aout21 = asum22-.15*adel11 ; Outer Feedforward adel21 delay adel11+.15*aout21, .0047 ; Outer Feedback adel22 delay adel21+.25*asum21, .022 ; First Inner Feedback adel23 delay asum21+.30*asum22, .0083 ; Second Inner Feedback ; Single Nested Allpass asum41 = adel42-.3*adel41 ; Inner Feedforward aout41 = asum41-.08*aout21 ; Outer Feedforward adel41 delay aout21+.08*aout41, .036 ; Outer Feedback adel42 delay adel41+.3*asum41, .030 ; Inner Feedback ; Output aout = .6*aout41+.5*aout21 outs aout*kdclick, -aout*kdclick endin
Figure 24.7 Orchestra code for instr 2402, a small room reverb.
Medium Room Reverberator
The next reverb is for a medium room. It consists of a double nested allpass filter followed by an allpass filter, followed by a single nested allpass filter. The input is prefiltered at 6 kHz and is introduced at both the beginning and before the final nested allpass filter. Output is taken after each allpass filter section. The overall feedback is bandpass filtered at 1 kHz with a bandwidth of 500 Hz. There are four delays in this reverb. The first delay follows the first output tap. The second and third delays are before and after the second output tap and the third delay precedes the overall feedback.
Figure 24.8 Block diagram of medium room reverberator.
instr 2403 ; Medium Room Reverb idur = p3 iamp = p4 iinch = p5 adel71 init 0 adel11 init 0 adel12 init 0 adel13 init 0 adel31 init 0 adel61 init 0 adel62 init 0 kdclick linseg 0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0 ; Initialize asig0 zar iinch aflt01 butterlp asig0, 6000 ; Pre-Filter aflt02 butterbp .4*adel71, 1000, 500 ; Feedback Filter asum01 = aflt01+.5*aflt02 ; Initial Mix ; Double Nested Allpass asum11 = adel12-.35*adel11 ; First Inner Feedforward asum12 = adel13-.45*asum11 ; Second Inner Feedforward aout11 = asum12-.25*asum01 ; Outer Feedforward adel11 delay asum01+.25*aout11, .0047 ; Outer Feedback adel12 delay adel11+.35*asum11, .0083 ; First Inner Feedback adel13 delay asum11+.45*asum12, .022 ; Second Inner Feedback adel21 delay aout11, .005 ; Delay 1 ; Allpass 1 asub31 = adel31-.45*adel21 ; Feedforward adel31 delay adel21+.45*asub31,.030 ; Feedback adel41 delay asub31, .067 ; Delay 2 adel51 delay .4*adel41, .015 ; Delay 3 aout51 = aflt01+adel41 ; Single Nested Allpass asum61 = adel62-.35*adel61 ; Inner Feedforward aout61 = asum61-.25*aout51 ; Outer Feedforward adel61 delay aout51+.25*aout61, .0292 ; Outer Feedback adel62 delay adel61+.35*asum61, .0098 ; Inner Feedback ; Combine Outputs aout = .5*aout11+.5*adel41+.5*aout61 adel71 delay aout61, .108 ; Delay 4 outs aout*kdclick, ; Final Output -aout*kdclick endin
Figure 24.9 Orchestra code for instr 2403, a medium room reverberator.
Large Room Reverberator
The final reverb considered is for a large room. The major elements are two allpass filters in series, followed by a single nested allpass filter and finally a double nested allpass filter. Outputs are taken after the first two allpass filters, after the single nested allpass filter and after the double nested allpass filter. Delays are introduced before and after the first two output taps. The input is again prefiltered and the overall feedback is scaled and bandpass filtered.
Figure 24.10 Block diagram of large room reverberator.
instr 2404 ; Large Room Reverb idur = p3 iamp = p4 iinch = p5 aout91 init 0 adel01 init 0 adel11 init 0 adel51 init 0 adel52 init 0 adel91 init 0 adel92 init 0 adel93 init 0 kdclick linseg 0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0 ; Initialize asig0 zar iinch aflt01 butterlp asig0, 4000 ; Pre-Filter aflt02 butterbp .5*aout91, 1000, 500 ; Feedback Filter asum01 = aflt01+.5*aflt02 ; Initial Mix ; Allpass 1 asub01 = adel01-.3*asum01 ; Feedforward adel01 delay asum01+.3*asub01,.008 ; Feedback ; Allpass 2 asub11 = adel11-.3*asub01 ; Feedforward adel11 delay asub01+.3*asub11,.012 ; Feedback adel21 delay asub11, .004 ; Delay 1 adel41 delay adel21, .017 ; Delay 2 ; Single Nested Allpass asum51 = adel52-.25*adel51 ; Inner Feedforward aout51 = asum51-.5*adel41 ; Outer Feedforward adel51 delay adel41+.5*aout51, .025 ; Outer Feedback adel52 delay adel51+.25*asum51, .062 ; Inner Feedback adel61 delay aout51, .031 ; Delay 3 adel81 delay adel61, .003 ; Delay 4 ; Double Nested Allpass asum91 = adel92-.25*adel91 ; First Inner Feedforward asum92 = adel93-.25*asum91 ; Second Inner Feedforward aout91 = asum92-.5*adel81 ; Outer Feedforward adel91 delay adel81+.5*aout91, .120 ; Outer Feedback adel92 delay adel91+.25*asum91, .076 ; First Inner Feedback adel93 delay asum91+.25*asum92, .030 ; Second Inner Feedback ; Combine outputs aout = .8*aout91+.8*adel61+1.5*adel21 outs aout*kdclick, ; Final Output -aout*kdclick endin
Figure 24.11 Orchestra code for instr 2404, a large room reverb
The nested allpass filters presented here suggest other configurations of allpass filters. For instance, a third allpass filter could be inserted into the double nested allpass filter for three allpass filters in series. An additional level of nesting could be applied to the nested allpass filters. Many other configurations of nesting could be the subject of future experimentation and many other reverb configurations could be implemented as a result. The final Csound orchestra and score accompanying this chapter, instr 2405.orc features a flexible system for experimenting with various reverb configurations.
Vercoe, B. and M. Puckette. 1985. Synthetic Spaces — Artificial Acoustic Ambiance from Active Boundary Computation. unpublished NSF proposal . Boston, MA. Music and Cognition Office at MIT Media Lab.
Gardner, W. G. 1992. The Virtual Acoustic Room. Master's thesis, MIT Media Lab.