Set of tools for editing Csound files (.orc, .sco, .csd, .udo) with Vim: syntax recognition and highlighting, autocompletion, folding, macros, on-line reference and templates.
Csound is a free and cross-platform language for digital audio synthesis and processing. With around 2000 opcodes and a simple but powerful syntax, Csound is one of the most flexible and complete tools available today for computer music.
Vim is a much improved clone of the traditional vi editor, with lots of added features. Vim is free, very powerful and highly configurable, and runs on almost any operating system, including GNU/Linux and other Unixes, DOS/Windows and MacOS/OSX.
Project homepage at Github:
These tools turn Vim, with all its editing power, into a simple but productive Csound frontend.
Read the README file for further details.
It can also be installed manually, downloading the Zip file from the Git repository.
Read the README file for further details.